Sunday, April 15, 2012

Critical Thinking and Reasoning Skills

Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking is a decision-making process, in order to make the best solution. Critical thinking is usually used in a process of considering a problem, claim, question, and situation. The process will make you consider all sides of an issue, evaluate evidence, and imagine different scenarios and possible outcomes. Even though it may seems to be a lot of work, critical thinking is basically used in our daily life. The most important part of critical thinking is that it may help you determine on :

  1. How to best solve a problem
  2. Weather to reject or to accept a particular claim
  3. How to best answer a question
  4. How to best handle a situation
Reasoning Skills
Reasoning Skills are the process from getting to point A (the problem) to point B (the solution). Justification of thoughts, action, or opinions are the reason which is a motive or cause. Reasoning skills helps you to use your sense based on facts, evidence, or logical conclusion rather then your emotions. With reasoning skills, you will be able to handle a situation or determine the best solution to your problem based on the logical reasons for that conclusion.

Basically, you will face this kind of problems when you are at work, home, and study place. all of those place will require critical thinking and reasoning skills. With those skills you will have no problem in any situations. To be specific :
  • Compose and support strong, logical arguments
  • Assess the validity of other people's arguments
  • Make more effective and logical decisions
  • Solve problems more efficiently
All of those four skills will help you to make up problem solving. 

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